Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Camper Carried Away By Balloon

Before the balloon launch on Wednesday afternoon, local camper Fajr Jaco was carried away by her balloon. According to bystanders, she floated all the way to the ceiling of the Congress Lounge before stopping. One relieved counselor commented, “Thank goodness this happened before we went outdoors!”

Jaco is known for being one of our most diminutive campers, and apparently her balloon was oversized and filled with fresh helium. A rogue updraft caused by the commotion of the other campers running around with their balloons caused Fajr’s balloon to take flight suddenly, carrying Fajr in tow.

Luckily, a couple of tall staff members at Hands Together, Heart to Art were able to retrieve the girl and the balloon from the ceiling. Thankfully, Fajr was completely unharmed as was her big pink balloon. Once she was back on terra firma, Fajr cried, “Again! Again!” Strangely, none of the other campers were hoisted aloft by their balloons.

Before heading outside to Buckingham Fountain, camp authorities had to weight Fajr’s feet with two bricks. According to one camp counselor who asked to remain anonymous, Fajr was the slowest camper heading to the lake, but was arguably one of the cutest.

Once the balloons were released, Fajr’s was one of the first to reach the clouds, according to an account from a Chicago pigeon.

Fajr now dreams of becoming a pilot or hot air balloonist. We all hope, whatever Fajr does in the future, that she wears a parachute.

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